The Challenge
SISTAC is looking for startups who have a particular focus on the following Sustainable Development Goals:
#2 Zero Hunger
Startups focusing on ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture are all in scope
#3 Good Health and Wellbeing
Startups that focus on ensuring healthy lives and that promote well-being for all ages are the target for this SDG goal
What's in it for you?
Access to mentors from the Ingolstadt School of Management
Access to Bayer Foundation network
Business consultation free of charge
Access to funding possibilities and competitions
Access to SISTAC knowledge database
Access to workshops and events
Additional Requirements
Must be founded and operate in Sub Saharan Africa
Business must have a major focus on Sustainable Development Goals as a whole, with extra emphasis on SDG 2 and 3
Preference towards Female founder/co-founder companies
Past the idea stage of development (ie must have existing customers)
Must be a for profit entity