We are looking for startups that want to collaborate with Deutsche Bahn AG to implement robotic solutions along various business units in the value chain to improve day-to-day business operations and help workers and employees of DB in executing complicated or risky tasks. This also includes services towards customers during their train journey or at train stations, specifically solutions that could help in establishing a safer environment taking into account various social distancing measurements and polices.
We’re looking for solutions in a variety of domains including:
Customer services
We are looking for robotic solutions that can assist with providing traveler information, luggage services or are able to offer travelers additional support during a journey.
Robotic innovations and solutions that can safely sell food, beverages or non-food products at stations or in trains to travelers.
Apply robotic innovation to improve processes such as cleaning, safety or operations to make them faster or more reliable.
Work on robots that are able to assist the maintenance departments of trains or stations and that can perform heavy, dangerous or repetitive tasks.
Participation in the 100-day PoC program of DB mindbox
25.000€, non equity
Access to the DB network
Your solution should...
Have an MVP in place
Occasionally be available in Berlin to work on the PoC with Deutsche Bahn AG
Application deadline
The deadline to apply for the challenge is the 21st of June 2020.
Announcement of candidates
The selected candidates will be announced on the 3rd of July 2020.
Virtual Pitch (TBC)
On the 16th of July Candidates will hold virtual pitches to showcase their solution. (To Be Confirmed)
Start of Program
On the 10th of August 2020 the pilot program will kick off.
End of Program
On the 18th of November 2020 the pilot program will end.