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The Hague, July 17, 2024. Today, Get in the Ring announced that their global final of the Get in the Ring Global Startup Competition will be taking place in The Hague. Previously hosted in cities like Singapore, Medellin and Berlin, this 7th edition will now be held in Europe’s impact capital in partnership with the Municipality of The Hague’s department, ImpactCity.

Get in the Ring gives startups from all corners of the world to showcase their impact solutions to gain valuable connections that can bring them to the next level. Get in the Ring’s believe is that we need to fuel these founders to fix the future.

In a year-round competition, together with partners in over 180 cities, events are organized to select the most promising startups worldwide. During the competition, startups are connected to business opportunities to test and scale their solutions. All partners and winners of these events are invited to join the global final, a 2-day entrepreneurial conference.

Previous participants of the global meetup achieved great success. Global winner in 2014, eFishery, recently raised over $200 million dollars to democratize the global aquaculture industry with smart feeding systems for fisheries. Global winner in 2016, DOT incorporated, which solves the challenge of visually impaired people entering the digital world, raised more than $6 million after winning the competition.

Speaking of the initiative, director of Get in the Ring, Jurgen Nieuwenhuijsen said: “Solving global challenges requires unconventional solutions. We cannot solve societal, environmental, or governmental challenges alone; it takes a collective mindset and global effort. Get in the Ring believes that by connecting innovations from around the world to powerful decision-makers, we have a real chance of changing the world for the better.”

With the Global final, The Hague will become an entrepreneurial melting pot, with startups visiting from all continents, from Salvatore in Brazil to Osaka in Japan and Costa Rica to Albania. The Hague has the ambition to build the biggest impact campus of Europe. With the Global Final of Get in the Ring, the world’s smartest minds will come together in The Hague to test and scale innovations that have the potential to make a great contribution to these global challenges.

Coos Santing, program manager of ImpactCity, mentions: “We are delighted to host the biggest startup competition in the world, reflecting our international focus on impact. Hosting such an event shows ImpactCity’s leadership in promoting, boosting, and internationalizing within The Hague’s as city of peace and justice.”

During the 2 days, the conference will take place in various locations in The Hague and is organized in partnership with ImpactCity and multiple local partners. The vocal point of the Global Final happens in Titaan, the leading innovation hub by Unknown Group. This event will include a major impact meetup called ImpactFest on the 7th of November, 2024, which focuses on bringing together innovators to address global challenges (more information available at

About Get in the Ring

Get in the Ring is a global startup competition that has been running since 2012. Local event winners gather annually at the Global Meetup, where they meet and learn from inspiring leaders from government, NGOs and businesses. 

 About Unknown Group

Unknown Group fuels founders to fix the future. As an impact investor, Unknown finds and funds the most promising ventures globally and brings their solutions to scale through collaborations with industry leaders via their Venture Engine® methodology. In early 2023, Unknown Group launched its newest 13.000 m2 innovation hub for impact companies, Titaan, in The Hague.


Get in the Ring: Ester Wojasová
Project Lead Global Final Get in the Ring

