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At Get in the Ring, we support startups regardless of what industry they’re in, what funding stage they are at or even what their current needs are. If what we do can help them, they’re welcome. That being said, we have a personal passion for startups that are improving the lives of people that live with some sort of disability. We are proud to help accelerate innovation so that more people with serious problems can be given a more independent life. So please get to know 8 startups improving the lives of disabled people who attended the Global Conference!
ReFlex aims to change the way physiotherapist are monitoring their teams and their patients and help them manage injuries better in the final recovery process, using the solution in the comfort of their homes. ReFlex is part of the emerging technology in physical therapy and rehabilitation. With the help of a motion detection solution that can track the movement of the body, it provides lots of benefits to Physical Therapists, patients and insurance companies at an affordable cost.
Bluereo developed a toothbrush specially designed for disabled people who have difficulty in self-spitting or control of body movements while brushing teeth. The toothbrush has special features such as water suction, sonic vibration, replaceable brush, LED light and a tongue cleaner! The South Korean startup has created a next-gen toothbrush that will allow caregivers to to do their job more easily and provide a more pleasurable experience for the person in need.

PreDecub developed a medical device which helps disabled people with brain lesions, muscular dystrophy and myelopathy to secure enough sleep to have a more vitalizing daily life. People with disabilities that affect their sleep, can be overly tired and placed at great discomfort. Predecub has created a mattress that will directly impact the energy and mood of people with severe disabilities throughout the entire day!
Triple W
TripleW created a healthcare device that notifies elderly people about their physiological needs. It empowers their dignity and improves the quality of life. By monitoring when a person with a disability, an elder or an infant will have bowel movements, the caregivers are able to plan their tasks more effectively. While also reducing the amount of surprises that may arise. Triple W has created the monitor in such a way that you can wear it on your belt or on your body using adhesive tape!
CCC is a startup that aims to improve the lives of the hearing impaired. Each country has its own sign language which makes it much harder for someone to communicate with others in other countries. CCC is solving a very big problem which is to teach the deaf sign language using a robot with specific functions and building a master database with all the different sign languages.
The Dot watch is a Smart watch with Braille display. It has the same features as a Apple watch or Pebble for the visually impaired people. The technology is based on active Braille technology, using innovative magnetic technology. Let’s not forget that Andrea Bocelli and Stevie Wonder support the startup. DOT will be one of the keynote speakers at the opening of the Global Conference.
Lifesense Group
LifesenseGroup created Carin underwear with the ultimate purpose to empower women. Urine loss is considered as one of the last remaining taboos in women’s health. With Carin they want to make steps forward in reducing the numbers of women with urine loss and providing them with the right tools to control their bladder. This is done by combining design and technology to create wearables for health applications.
Mobearlize developed a motorized wheelchair unit that can be attached onto any common wheelchair, be low cost as well as convenient for indoor usage and urban environments. Furthermore, this product will also have integrated IoT functions and services which leverage on wide smartphone usage to provide greater convenience to the lives of wheelchair users. These include GPS tracking, safety features and community sharing. All of this is possible with Mobearlize!