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Together with Get in the Ring, Nuon has globally sourced startup solutions for their global data challenge. Get in the Ring Challenges is recently launched to support the connection made between corporate challenges and existing startup solutions. It’s the start of an open innovation collaboration between the two where they can add huge value to each other for the obvious reasons. Our worldwide community consisting of both startups and corporates from all industries is ideal to facilitate this connection.

Nuon was looking for smart data related solutions focused on providing their customers with the ultimate ‘in good hands’-experience. In a short time, 35 startups from 15 countries and 9 different industries applied with their solutions. The best of these startups will come together on April 21st to ‘Get in the Ring’ at the Nuon HQ in Amsterdam. Employees and executives from Nuon and Vattenfall will attend this event to determine which startup will get a pilot contract and collaborate on implementing their innovative solutions. Regardless of winning, all participating startups have been able to show Nuon what they have in store for them and this, in the end, can be just as important.
The next Challenge will be online soon. Stay tuned!