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Toby Rush, founder of EyeVerify, participated in our latest webinar with founders and heroes of the Get in the Ring Community. During this Ask me Anything session Toby told students of the Global School for Entrepreneurship about his road to becoming an entrepreneur and how he eventually came to the point of selling his company to Alibaba for $100mln dollar.

As a former global winner of Get in the Ring 2013, his company EyeVerify gained valuable exposure and public attention leading to several opportunities. Toby revealed during the session that even though on-stage the company was receiving a lot of positive interest and had a great “front-end” view for the public, in the back-end it was not all as glamorous as the world could see. A key tip for any entrepreneur and owner came forth from this.

Never compare your Back-end to a competitor’s Front-end”. 

A very important topic raised was also about identity, both as a company but as a person as well. Often founders get too caught up in the identity of their company that they forget about their own. Which leads us to another quote given.

If the thing fails, you are not a failure”.

Many founders often directly link themselves and their identify directly to the success (or failure) of their company. However, failure is part of being an entrepreneur. Founders should never be afraid to fail, especially in the beginning of their business journey. As failure leads to learning and eventually to a better and stronger business proposition.

We thank Toby for taking the time to share his experiences with us during this Ask me Anything Session.

For our next session we’ve invited the Global winner of Get in the Ring 2014 and CEO of Efishery, Gibran Huzaihaf, to the screen.

Find out more about EyeVerify here

See what the Global School for Entrepreneurship has to offer
